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Ambhuti Initiatives Towards Society


India has the world's largest youth population. The future of our nation rides on the shoulders of our youth, and it is essential to make sure that they are given access to quality education. A large majority of India’s youth come from rural areas, it is our duty to ensure that they are given access to education and are encouraged to pursue it.

Sustainable Livelihood

At Ambhuti, we understand the importance of a sustainable livelihood in order to achieve a better standard of living. Through our CSR initiatives, we have not only strived to help those in rural areas acquire a better lifestyle, but also to develop and harness their own abilities, resulting in self sufficiency.

Infrastructure Development

Ambhuti's CSR intervention has led to the beautification of a number of villages around the city. providing them with a better and stable infrastructure. This has helped to increase the standard of living in these villages.

Social Welfare

Through our CSR Initiatives, we carry out various welfare programs, addressing healthcare issues, right to education and enhancing the lives of those around us. Social meets, distribution of blankets to those in need, Aadhar Card camps and plantation drives in various villages are testament to the efforts we make in order to give back to our society.


Health is one of the key indicators that influence the HDI (Human Development Index) growth of any country or state. In the present scenario, rural India is home to over 68% of India's total population, with half of them living below the poverty line, still struggling for better and easy access to health care and services.