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Plaster of Paris

An ultra fine quality powder ideal for your ceiling design

  • Ambhuti POP is the result of an uncompromising manufacturing process. A plaster with which you can shape your most challenging ideas for interior into a reality. A plaster that is true investment for your choosen home or office environment.The key process is conducted under the close supervision of our expert quality assurance personnel.

Key Features of Plaster of Paris

  • Milky Whiteness
  • High Strength
  • Ultra Fine Quality
  • Less Wastage
  • Optimum Setting Time
  • Ultimate smoothness
  • Pop Design Guide

    Our work basically based on your home interior and exterior design,
    with our ambhuti product.

    Plaster of Paris Testing Method

    • Take 100 gm of Ambhuti plaster of paris powder in a bowl
    • Then take 70 ml of water and pour into the bowl
    • Leave the mixture as it is for 1 min and then Mix well for 2min using stirrer. The POP paste will be ready
    • Allow the paste to set in the bowl and start the timer to observe the cutting time.
    • Once the paste is set, make a cut on the surface and note the actual cutting time. Usually cutting time varies between 6-12min.
    • After checking the cutting time, leave it for 1hr and then check that POP should not leave water.
    • We can also check the strength of POP. It should not turn into powder form when compressed. However POP gains actual strength after 36 hours of application.

    Packing Of Ambhuti PLaster Of Paris

    Ultra Fine
    Economical Use
    Ultra Fine
    Domestic Use